Coronavirus: Its Deathly Spread
The death toll reaches 6,669, there are 261,438 people on their death beds. These people didn’t know that the next epidemic would hit them. They were just regular people going about their days. The coronavirus came upon us due to some peoples’ lack of hygiene. I don’t want to point fingers, but this virus did come from China, it’s not rude, it’s just a fact. This epidemic, no matter how bad, has taught us something, our hygiene around the world needs to improve. It needs to be fixed. Only the future will tell how we do, but let this be a learning experience, as all of our lives have been. We learned how to create governments, how to treat disease, we have even learned to control and create technology. If we can do all that then there is hope that we can overcome this virus, just like we did all the others. It’s not my place to judge or to give hope if I didn’t think there was. I only tell the truth, and the truth is that we can get over this. It may take some time, but yes we can.